Many of our customers come into Dees’ in March and April and start asking us about getting their lawn started for the spring. After purchasing an annual lawn fertilizer program many people forget an important step in the successful lawn process and that is applying lime to the grass.

Your Lawn’s pH Level
The pH of the soil under your lawn is a critical factor in how your grass will grow. The pH range is the acidity or alkalinity of soil. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral. Levels below 7 are acidic and levels above 7 are alkaline. The key to good soil for your lawn is a pH level between 6.5 and 7.0. If the pH is not in this range, nutrients basically get tied up in the soil and cannot be used by the grass plant. If your pH is too low or too high, the fertilizer you apply is only partially utilized by the grass.

The best way to determine the soil pH is to perform an easy to use pH test. You can also get your soil tested by the Nassau County Cornell Cooperative Extension service for a small fee.

Balancing Your Lawn’s pH Level
If it is determined that your pH is too low, then you will have to apply lime to the soil. Limestone is a source of calcium that will raise the pH of your soil. Many of you will notice your neighbor’s landscapers applying the white powder to their lawns. This is lime. If you have not applied lime to your soil in a few years and have been regularly applying fertilizer, then chances are your soil is acidic.

Having a correct pH in your lawn will also help control moss. Moss thrives in a soil with a pH below 6.0. When you raise the pH then this will eventually slow down the moss activity.

Lawn Care at The Dees’ Nursery
In a nutshell, lime will make your lawn fertilizer work better. We sell lime in many forms such as pelletized, pulverized, or granular and Jonathan Green Mag-I-Cal. Please stop down for a recommendation for your specific needs.

Have fun and enjoy your lawn for years to come.